MSc. Saskia Wilmsen
Doctoral student
Department of Ecology
School of Biology/ Chemistry
University of Osnabrück
Barbarastrasse 13
49076 Osnabrück
Tel: +49 541 969-3101
Research interests
Different approaches to selection theories exist in science, such as the Darwinian theory of evolution "Survival of the Fittest", group selection, kin selection or multilevel selection. With comparative studies and meta-analyzes, an approximation can be made on the basis of the degree of relationship r and inter- and intraspecific cooperation. The aim of my work is to develop an overall concept to explain the evolutionary strategy of different species.
• Comparison of different approaches
• Evolution of ecological interactions in different species
• Interpretation of the correlation coefficient r
• Impact of relatedness on cooperation
Key words: “Survival of the Fittest”, group selection, kin selection, multilevel selection, meta-analyzes
• Comparison of different approaches
• Evolution of ecological interactions in different species
• Interpretation of the correlation coefficient r
• Impact of relatedness on cooperation
Key words: “Survival of the Fittest”, group selection, kin selection, multilevel selection, meta-analyzes
Education and Scientific Career
2016 2014 |
Doctoral research student, Department of Ecology, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück.
Research theme: Causes and consequences of the evolution of cooperation within and between species. Master of Science, University of Dusseldorf, Institute of Sensory Ecology Bachelor of Science, University of Dusseldorf, Institute of Sensory Ecology |
Honours and Awards
2017 Springer award “BestMasters”
Oral Presentations
2014 |
Wilmsen S, Lunau K. Pigments meet structures: Microstructures modify spectral reflectance properties of petals and attractiveness for bumblebees. Scape, Silkeborg, Denmark
Wilmsen S, Gottlieb R, Junker RR, Lunau K. Der komplizierte Weg zum Larvenfutter: Hummeln reagieren auf multimodale Stimuli von Pollen. West German Entomology Conference, Dusseldorf |
2017 2015 |
Wilmsen S. Epidermale Mikrostrukturen von Blütenblättern: Einfluss auf spektrale Reflexion und Attraktivität für Hummeln. Springer Spectrum Wiesbaden.
Wilmsen S, Gottlieb R, Junker RR, Lunau K. Bumblebees require visual pollen stimuli to initiate and multimodal stimuli to complete a full behavioral sequence in close‐range flower orientation.Ecol Evol7, 1384–1393. Wilmsen S, Gottlieb R, Lunau K. Der komplizierte Weg zum Larvenfutter–Hummeln reagieren auf multimodale Stimuli von Pollen.Entomologie heute 27, 73-88. |