Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Ecology
School of Biology/ Chemistry
University of Osnabrück
Barbarastrasse 13
49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Education and Scientific Career
Since 10/2016
08/2013 - 08/2016 2014 2007 2005 |
Postdoc, Division of Ecology, AG Kost
University of Osnabrück, Germany. Research interest: Modelling syntrophic microbial communities. Postdoc, Evolutionary Systems Biology Group. University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Research interest: Evolution of Signal Transduction Networks. PhD, Theoretical Biology Group. Genetic Department, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Leipzig, Germany. PhD Thesis Topic : The Evolution of Cooperation. M.Sc. Theoretical Physics Balseiro Insitute, Bariloche, Argentina. Master Thesis Topic: Mutualism and Epidemiology. M.Sc. Biology University of Córdoba. Córdoba, Argentina. Master Thesis Topic: Theoretical Neuroscience. |
Honours and Awards
2009 Fellowship from the International Max Planck Research School.
2005 Fellowship from the Argentinian National Commission of Nuclear Energy.
2005 Fellowship from the Argentinian National Commission of Nuclear Energy.
Oña L, Taborsky B, G. Sander van Doorn. Evolution of sexual and clonal populations on complex adaptive landscapes. In prep.
Oña L, Kost C. (2022) Cooperation increases robustness to ecological disturbance in microbial cross-feeding networks.
Ecology Letters. https://doi: 10.1111/ele.14006.
Pauli B, Oña L, Hermann M, Kost C. (2021) Obligate mutualistic cooperation limits evolvability.
Nature Communications (Accepted) bioRxiv.
Giri S, Oña L, Waschina S, Shitut S, Yousif G, Kaleta C, Kost C. (2021) Metabolic dissimilarity determines the establishment of cross-feeding interactions in bacteria.
Current Biology S0960-9822(21)01408-1 .
Oña L, Giri S, Avermann N, Kreienbaum M, Thormann KM, Kost C. (2021) Obligate cross-feeding expands the metabolic niche of bacteria.
Nature Ecology and Evolution 5 (9), 1224-1232.
Preussger D, Giri S, Muhsal LK, Oña L, Kost C (2020) Reciprocal Fitness Feedbacks Promote the Evolution of Mutualistic Cooperation.
Current Biology. Vol 30, 18, P3580-3590.E7.
Oña L, Lachmann M (2019) Signalling architectures can prevent cancer evolution.
Scientific Reports 10, N 674.
Oña L, Oña SL, Wertz AE (2019) The evolution of plant social learning through error minimization.
Evolution and Human Behaviour. Volume 40, Issue 5, Pages 447-456.
Kamiya T, Oña L, Wertheim B, van Doorn SG (2016) Coevolutionary feedback elevates constitutive immune defence: a protein network model.
BMC Evolutionary Biology. 5;16(1):92.
Scheider L, Waller BM, Oña L, Burrows AM, Liebal K (2016) Social Use of Facial Expressions in Hylobatids.
PLoS One. (2016) 15;11(3):e0151733.
Scheider L, Liebal K, Oña L, Burrows A, Waller B (2014) A comparison of facial expression properties in five hylobatid species.
Am J Primatol. 76(7):618-28.
Oña L, Kouyos RD, Lachmann M, Bonhoeffer SL (2013 ) On the role of Resonance in Drug Failure Under HIV Treatment Interruption Therapy.
Theor Biol Med Model. 11;10:44. doi: 10.1186/1742-4682-10-44.
Abramson G, Del-Soto C, Oña L (2011) The Role of Asymmetric Interactions on the Effect of Habitat Destruction in Mutualistic Networks.
PloS One (6(6): e21028. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021028).
Oña L, Lachmann M (2011) Ant Aggression and Evolutionary Stability in Plant-Ant and Plant-Pollinator Mutualist Interactions.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology Vol. 24, Issue 3 Pages 469–697.
Oña L. Cooperation at different levels of biological organization (2014). University of Leipzig, Germany. Ph.D. Thesis.
Oña L. Population dynamics under heterogeneous conditions (2007), Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. Master Thesis.